Why Should We Never Skip Leg Day

Leg day at the best gym in the Philippines means that you focus entirely on working the muscles of your lower body. When it comes to improving your overall athletic performance, strengthening the different parts of your leg muscle group matters just as much as the...

3 Tips to Maintain Your Weight During the Holidays

Holidays are the best and worst times ever at the same time when it comes to fitness. It is great because you get to eat so many dishes, receive gifts, and reunite with loved ones at gatherings. On the other hand, it is the worst because you gain so much weight thanks...

What DIY Acne Treatments Should You Avoid

What DIY acne treatments should you avoid? Essential oils Baking soda Cinnamon   DIY acne treatments are the type of treatments that did not go under FDA testing or strict scientific studies. Because there are little to no concrete evidence of these products...