What are the 4 full body workouts you can do at a gym in Makati?

  1. Incline Push-Ups
  2. Squats
  3. Pike Roll-Out Combination
  4. Clean and Jerk

Full body workouts can be very intense and this is why you also receive intensive results from them as well. When you visit the nearest gym in Makati or in other parts of the metro, doing full body routines can train every major muscle in your body. Target areas like your chest, back, arms, hamstrings, and abs can be toned instantly like you just spent a whole day at a fitness center in Manila.

Variations of full body workouts are made up of compound movements which require a lot of energy from you. Although this is a surefire way to burn calories, you should rest between each set you perform so as not to beat up your muscles. Working on your problem areas will give you training benefits that will improve your overall body strength and improve your stamina.

If you are aiming for toned abs, strong core muscles and even leg strength are necessary as well.

In Manila, fitness centers can cater to your workout needs because they are well equipped with the necessary exercise tools that you can incorporate into your exercises. You can combine traditional exercises like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses, with workout equipment like dumbbells or a stability ball.

For workouts that guarantee fat loss, why don’t you try these 8 full body workouts below?



Incline Push-Ups

Incline Push-Ups

Source: Madbarz

The reason why push-ups are classic fitness moves because is that they are very effective. It works on a wide area of your muscles even when their target areas are the chest, triceps, and core. Push-ups will require you to lift 60 percent of your body weight and completing reps will be a great full body workout.

Try this different variation of the traditional push-up. and make the most out of your full body workouts. This exercise can be done by beginners and you should do it with a wall, box, bench, or bar. More than the traditional push-up, this will work your core and shoulders.


  1. Start with a traditional push-up position. Position your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Your body should be at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Lower your body down, bringing your chest close to the bench or box.
  4. Slowly lower the angle of your body, directly to the floor until you complete a rep of push-up.




When it comes to formulating a workout routine, squats will always be on that list, and why not? This is one of the most effective ways to work the lower body and this variation of the popular fitness move will save you from the boredom of doing the same routine repetitively.

Add a little weight to your workout by using that kettlebell at your favorite gym in Makati.


  1. Hold a kettlebell at chest level, right under your chin.
  2. Put your foot shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed out slightly.
  3. Keep your chest up with eyes looking forward, brace your abs, and push your butt back as you “open your knees.”
  4. Squat down as low as you can and don’t break your form.
  5. You can also try holding the lowered position of the squat for an extended period.



Pike Roll-Out Combination

Source: Tsunami Rangers

According a study by the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, the pike roll-out combination is the most effective workout for core muscles. This challenging exercise will benefit every muscle in your core, as well as the lower body muscles.

This is a great exercise for core strength and muscle performance. Try this steps below:


  1. Use a Swiss ball or also known as a stability ball. Get into a push-up position with your feet on top of the ball.
  2. Begin by using your core muscles to lift your glutes into the air and over your torso. This is the pike position of the exercise.
  3. Bring your body back down and allow your body to move along the ball.
  4. Roll it until it’s under your knees and your arms are in front of you. This is the roll out.



Clean and Jerk

This explosive lift is not just a workout that targets your torso and arms but this can work out useful muscles and test your endurance. This can target your hamstrings, biceps, triceps, the back, core, quadriceps, and calves.

As a beginner, you can opt to do the lift in separate portions as Olympic lifter do it in one complex lift.

  1. Begin by snapping the weight to your torso until your arms are under the bar.
  2. Push the bar over your head.



Key Takeaway

High-intensity workouts such as these 8 full body exercises that you can do at a gym in Makati, only work when you do them at a steady pace. Do not force yourself if you cannot do another set. Remember that you only have to work out just as long as you can handle it.

Combine these workouts with the proper diet and you will achieve the body you’ve always been dreaming of.