Aerobics Classes
Slimmers World Aerobics Classes are free with your Fitness (gym) Membership! All Classes are designed to help you reach your personal goals! Enjoy a variety of Aerobics Classes from fundamental, regional,martial arts, dance and flexibility. -
Biometrics (with All Acces to all Center)
Designed for busy individuals who wants to lose weight and maximize the gym facilities. This usually comes with free aerobics. Membership may be used in any of the Slimmers World centers. Comes in 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. Guarantees weight loss of 10-30 lbs using CORE TRAINING. -
Biometrics Intensive Inch Loss Program
5 step guaranteed inch loss program which eliminates cellulite through Cellulite Cure Training program, nutritional counseling, EndoSlim, Mesofat and Cellulite Cure Massage. -
Biometrics Intensive Weight Loss Program
It is a medically supervised programme which leads to an improved body composition and guarantees permanent weight loss while enhancing your physical appearance. It’s a combination of exercise, nutritional counseling and spa treatments. -
An exercise program that will develop certain components such as speed, power, agility, balance and coordination. -
Cykl Squad
The ultimate indoor ride for your squad. This type of exercise is a high cardio full body work out that helps burn calories, lengthen and tone and sculpt your entire body. -
Fitness Exclusive (Exclusive in One Center Only)
This is designed for busy individuals who would want to maximize the gym facilities. Usually comes with free aerobics. Membership may be used only in one (1) center. Consists of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. -
Lifetime Membership
One time payment maintenance program after initial membership that includes unlimited access to the gym facilities and Aero classes. It has two types of membership (Exclusive and Gold). -
Passive Slimming Program
Specifically developed for the less active individuals that includes the latest slimming and body shaping technology such as Body Former, Quick Slim, Hot Masque, and UCT plus a personally designed eating plan to support the weight loss process. -
Personal Training
One-on-one supervision with a licensed Physical Therapist ensuring proper execution of routines and execution of fitness goals. -
Power Stretching
30 minutes intensive stretching, with a licensed Physical Therapist. -
Enhances cardiovascular health and stamina, increases mental agility and hand-eye coordination, improves total body strength, raises core strength and improves body composition. -
Squad Core
One hour combined exercise programs designed to incorporate Corefit Personal Training into a group class of five members.

10-4 Exclusive
Designed for busy individuals who would like to work out during off-peak hours. Membership may be used only in one (1) center. Consists of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months.