How should you prepare yourself for skin care services in the Philippines?
- List your concerns
- Heed the doctor’s advice
- Simplify your skincare routine
- Wear comfortable clothing
- Set realistic expectations
Botox, cosmetic filler, diamond ultrapeel, fibrolift, glutathione, glycolic acid peel – these are just some of the skin and facial services that one could avail of in a skin clinic in the Philippines. These treatments can help you regain that youthful and fresh glow that you enjoyed before. Some allow for the reduction of fine lines and acne scars while others allow for the enhancement of your facial features, all of which can make you feel more confident and happy in your own body.
It’s a well-known fact that some of these treatments and procedures come with their fair share of risks and complications. However, what not many are aware of is the fact that these incidents can be and could have been avoided if patients, with the help of their doctors, prepared themselves for the skin care service that they so wish to have done to them. These crucial preparation protocols not only help in lowering the risk of complications, it also allows you to get the most out of the procedure and achieve that ‘wow factor’ that you hope for.
These protocols may or may not be intensive depending on what service you choose to avail. They may take days, weeks, or months to accomplish and you can either do them by yourself at home or overseen by a trusted doctor. Since there’s countless prep work you can do, we only listed the ones that apply to most, if not all, procedures, so read more to find out what they are!
List Your Concerns
Prior to going to a skin clinic in the Philippines or availing any kind of skin or facial services, one of the things you absolutely must do is list down the concerns you have about your skin. We’re talking about a physical list here, either written or typed and not just a mental list. Doing this guarantees a smoother and time-efficient appointment and a more informative discussion with your trusted doctor.
Aside from your skin concerns, you should also note if you’ve had previous treatments done on your body/skin, what they were, your allergies, medications you take, family history, and diseases that you have or have had. All these are relevant and needed for proper diagnosis and management.
Heed The Doctor’s Advice
After talking it over and deciding on the skin and facial services in the Philippines that you are going to avail of, your doctor is going to give you some instructions and advice that you need to follow diligently for the treatment to proceed perfectly. Failure to do so may lead to complications that can affect not only your skin but your overall health. So make sure to remember the doctor’s words and stick to them to the best of your ability.
Taking antiviral medication, antibiotics, and/or over-the-counter medicine, using prescribed lotions and creams, and applying a bleaching agent – these are some examples of things the doctor may advise. You may also be told to discontinue any medication that can affect the procedure or to stop habits such as smoking.
Simplify Your Skin Care Routine
The doctor may not advise you to do this but it’s best if you simplify your skin care routine during the days leading up to the treatment. The reason for this is that some at-home products contain harsh ingredients that may react to the treatment. They may work wonders and are safe to use on the regular, but not if you’re looking forward to an intensive skin care or facial procedure.
If you’re on edge about this and don’t want to simplify your skin care routine, then we suggest that you speak to the doctor regarding the matter. Inform him/her of the products that you use on a daily basis and wait for his/her approval. This should help you choose what skin care steps to retain and what to give up for the next few days.
Wear Comfortable Clothing
You should know that these treatments and procedures are going to take some time. Very few can be done within 30 minutes, most take over an hour, sometimes even two. For this reason and also to make it easier to undress for skin care examinations, it’s important that you wear loose and comfortable clothing on the day of your appointment. Tight and complicated clothes will just make it hard for you and the doctor and drag the exam or procedure on for a long time.
While we’re on the subject of what you’re supposed to wear, we also advise against wearing any kind of makeup when you’re visiting the skin clinic. The doctor is going to want a closer look at your skin and makeup does nothing but prevent that. If you’re insistent, just know that you’re going to have to take it off before the session.
Set Realistic Expectations
One of the things that people always do wrong whenever they avail of skin and facial services in the Philippines is set their expectations way too high. A lot of patients want to see results immediately when that’s virtually impossible. It takes time for the skin to become acclimated to treatments and effects don’t show up until after a few weeks – six or eight is the average. Although unlikely, it’s also possible for the procedure to have less of an effect than expected.
It’s important to remind yourself that these services aren’t miracles that are going to fix your skin overnight. So before you go into the clinic, set realistic expectations and educate yourself on the possible effects of the treatments you want – both good and bad.
Key Takeaway
When it comes to skin and facial services in the Philippines, preparation is paramount to effectiveness and safety. If you fail to do any of these things, then you’re putting yourself in harm’s way and you also risk losing the many benefits of the treatments. So if you don’t want for these things to happen, best follow what we have written here and whatever your doctor advises!